Meats columns 1

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I'm Back
Yes that's right I am well again... and to all of you that didn't know I was ill then... I'm still OK thanx. I have been trying to think of things to write here as the problem is that with being off I have missed all the funat school..... OH WELL WHAT A HAME ... cough..HAHA...cough. The people who have been there have informed me of the goings on and I have to say the only two things that are fun may get me into trouble... let's just say that one includes a stoned DR. DOlittle. hehe. It appears that for this reason I am going to have to come up with yet some more forced information............ let's see.............. Ah ha! let's talk a little about the love life of little John Drummond. Yes I have already writen a report on his love for "THE NEW GIRL" who I would at this point like to say
GET WELL SOON and I'm sure I don't have to tell you why!!!!!?????............. she's not well! If you missed that report then check it out by using the "PAST COLUMNS" link at the bottom of the page.
Anyway back to the story... he seems to have side tracked on his thoughts now. You see he is now saying that there is someone else he "fancies". Now I don't think this is true, I think this is mearly a cheep attemt at getting me off his case... however I will make a promise now that I will get to the bottom of this........................ I'll keep you posted.
It Turns out that he aparantly doesnt fancy her.... so he says.... everyone does .... so he probably does too.... although he wont admit it. DAMN.

Attack of the killer munchkins
once again our schools has come up trumps in the comedy department. The funniest thing ever has happened and the best thing is this is gonna go on for weeks!

It all started today at lunch time. We (the fourth years) were arriving back at school to find a bunch of munchkin juniors playing on bikes etc. When one of them fell of we could not help but take the crap out the wee guy who was by this time calling his friend over. In the thought that they were gonna come over to us and say something we came up with a plan to come full out and ask them for square goes.... to our astonishment we didn't have to for before long they were calling square goes with one of the guys Ally.
Amazed at such comedy we all crowded round in a group and started to try and piss them off.... the had the crap taken outa them left right and centre.... but the story gets better. Eventually they leave... we have jokes about them going round and getting a bunch of sixth years to kick s in but we have a laugh anyway. When they come back the have almost 20-25 people watching!!!! We were laughing our heads off at these little idiots trying to scare us.... Ally was lapping it up and whenever he stood forward they would all run away again. (Kids huh) Eventually Koochy saw things start to go a little too far, so with me and the guys on standby at the side he got them over and tried to straighten things out with them, not very successfully. However at that point the bell ran and the orders were given to follow the running mob back into school where we soon headed for our classes. But I have a feeling it wont stop there.... see you tomorrow folks.... if I survive the attack of the munchkin people!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gossip Never stops
Yes that's right people I am bringing you yet more of that stuff all women seems to thrive off of and all men seem to be a part of... Gossip. The latest news around school is the "New Girl" who I won't name for my own safety due to the fact that the last time I put down a girls name without asking she tried to kill me.... (God never made periods to be bad to women... he did it to laugh at us men suffering). So as seen as I have still not asked (and have no intention of asking) her for the right to put her name up I will just asume you all know who she is. The next person who is involved in this little sherad is John Drummond.... yes thats right I said his name... why... why the hell not, I ain't scared of him.... wimper.
This is very simple.... during a conversation we were having to day I just happened to bring up her name. Now at first when asking him what he thought of her (Sorry) I was surprised to hear him call this stunning young woman a "Tart". When I asked him why he thought this he seemed to shy away.... Now being able to read people is an ability I use to the full.... and on this occasion it came in very handy! Judging by his reaction (I wont go into the exact details) I came to the conclusion his name calling for his defense.... defense against me finding out he felt completely the oposite!!! heheheheheheheheheehe When confronted by this he hid further and further away claiming he did not "Fancy" (for the record I HATE that word) her.... unfortunately for him I did not give up untill he admitted and once again admitted this time of free choice.... so now you may go forth and once again tak ehte crap outa John.... Hold on a minute..... why would we take the crap outa John.... everyone "Fancies" her (except Sad Loner who fancies Miss. Rosie)..... damn... that means this whole column was a waste of time..............................................................................................

Attack at Sad Loner!!!
it seems the infamous Sad Loner decided to attack me and scrub the column I wrote telling everyone how he thought his P7 teacher (Miss. Rosie) was in his words "hot". Therfore I will not write again I will leave him alone....

Criminals Only.... that includes Koochy and Slash

Yes this is the well thought about and highly researched column containing information on how to beat the lie detector test! (none of this information is proven to be factual...... I have to say that!)

These are tips all you self known criminals must follow not to be caught out by mans new friend... machine (well its the friend of all you Sad Loner wannabes)

read and use as you wish...

1) Never look down when answering questions. It shows a sign of self disbeleif... the kinda thing a kid would do when caught stealing a biscuit before tea time.

2) If you have the chance rub talk powder into the areas where they are most likely to put sensor pads (chest arms and back of hands) This makes them appear a lot dryer and helps hold in the moisture. NEVER put it on the palm of you hands as it will obsorb the sweat and make you appear to sweat constantly.

3) Always answer a question with a signal. Example when answering yes nod your head at the same time. This shows a sign of self beleif. Never however shake your head as if you are being attacked by a swarm of man eating 50 foot wasps. This shows that you are trying to make yourself look inocent and makes you make more guilty.

4) Focus your sight on one thing in the room and keep looking there! If you get nervous you start to fijit and Look around quickly as if looking for ideas on how to answer.


6) Concentrate on blinking at a steady pace. The more nervous you become the more you blink.... This is something they will pick up on.

And Finally

7) Never act surprised to hear any question or laugh if given a possible reason for your behavior during the event in question which they ask you to verify but which you wont verify because it would get you in trouble. Doing so shows you are getting nervous at the thought they may be getting closer to the truth or closer to asking the right questions. hey will pick up on this and keep asking these questions..... FAST. ONE AFTER ANOTHER AFTER ANOTHER AFTER ANOTHER AFTER ANOTHER. Don't fall into the trap....
Good luck my little terrors!