Koochys columns 1

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My First Column
Well, here it is, it's the first column from the controversial Koochy. I've
never wrote a column before, so I guess this was a good place to start. This
column isn't like the others, I'll be writing straight off the top of my
head, and as my mood changes, so will my words. This is 100% unscripted, and
100% fresh.
I'm not exactly what people may call a "model" student, although I
got damn good marks in my exams, I still know the ingredients to have a good
time. I would like to think that I don't have many predjucise's, but as much
as I hate to admit it, there are alot of things that I should have taken an
interest in, and alot of things that I have foolishly passed up. But hey,
that's life, and happens. So my situation at the moment is as follows:
It is the day before I go to Barcelona with my school, I am dating one of
the girls that are going (which I am VERY pleased about), and I am listening
right now to California Love, by 2Pac. So as you may have guessed, I'm quite
excited. I only asked my girlfriend out a few days ago, and I haven't had
too much contact with her since, so I am hoping that on this trip I can
really get to know her, and I know what all you sick minded people are
thinking, and when I say "Get to know her", I don't mean in that
way. The girl is really special to me, and I have heard from a few guys I
know, that she is the best looking girl in my year, which is good. I've
liked her for a long time, and there have been a few bumps along the road,
the guy that I used to call my best friend, who I shared nearly everything
with decided to go out with her. Now I know that it's up to her who she goes
out with, but the guy was my best friend, and he was even giving me advice
on what she liked in the few days prior to this. So of course I was
devastated when he told me that she had asked him out, and that he had
accepted. So that was the story of how I lost my best friend, who to this
day I still hate. Although I am glad to say that I am not the only person
who has a dislike towards him, my girlfriend also hates every part the puny
piece of meat that he calls his body. Oh no, that's not it, most people that
he called his friend now dont like him, but before you start thinking that I
started out intending to destroy him, I would never do that to any human
being, I simply told my story, then people began realizing his schemes, and
what he did to make people fall into his friendship web. What he would do,
is have a separate personality for different people, for some, it would be a
shy cute little boy, and for some, it would be a strong confident boy. And
when you were in his web, you were oblivious to his lies, and you just took
it in good humor. So to put it in simple terms, he was EVIL, and I was
simply his sidekick. But now, I go out with an amazing girl, and I have a
bucketload of good friends, and now that I have a chance, I would like to
give a big shout out to Andy, who always listened to me complaining about
how bad things were, and Iain, who is in general just a nice guy. Well,
that's about it for now, the next report will probably be in about a week
and a half, because as I mentioned, I'm leaving for Barcelona tomorrow
morning. So remember, bad things happen to good people, so that the others
dont get jealous when you finally get lucky!